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Voice Search

Voice search is a type of technology that allows users to search the internet or a mobile phone using their voice.

What is voice search?

Voice search is a type of technology that allows users to search the internet or a mobile phone using their voice. This voice search can either be through a speech-recognition software application or a digital assistant such as Google Now, Siri, Cortana, and Amazon Echo.

A digital device used for voice search
Use of digital voice assistants are on the rise.

This technology is extremely useful for those who are unable to type or use a keyboard, such as people with disabilities. It is also beneficial for those who are on the go and need to search for something quickly.

Voice search is becoming more and more popular as it becomes more accurate and easier to use.

How does voice search work?

Voice search technology converts speech into text so that it can be processed by a search engine. The process begins with the user speaking into a microphone which captures their voice. The audio is then converted into text through the use of speech recognition software. This text is then processed by the search engine in the same way as if it had been typed in.

The results of the voice search are then displayed to the user in a similar way to how they would be if the user had typed in their query.

What are the benefits of voice search?

There are many benefits to using voice search, including:

  • It is faster and easier than typing out a search query
  • It can be used hands-free, which is beneficial for those who are unable to type or use a keyboard
  • It is more accurate than traditional search methods
  • It is becoming more and more popular as it becomes more accurate and easier to use.

Related Services

Voice Search can be found in the following service(s):

Blogs That Mention Voice Search

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