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Reporting is customized based on project requirements. We analyze all available data to create a friendly, readable report on a schedule.

What kind of reports do you handle?

We create custom reports for clients based on their specific needs. We take into account all of the data that is available and craft a report that is easy to read and understand. Depending on the project, we may produce weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports.

Website Analytic Reporting

This type of report is designed to give website owners an overview of how their site is performing. We track things like page views, unique visitors, time spent on site, bounce rate, and more. This information can help owners make decisions about their website content and design.

SEO Reporting

SEO reports show the progress of a website’s search engine optimization efforts. We track things like keyword rankings, backlinks, and organic traffic. This information can help owners understand what is working and what needs to be improved.

Social Media Reporting

Social media reports give insights into how a company’s social media accounts are performing. We track things like engagement, reach, and clicks. This information can help owners understand what content is resonating with their audience and which platforms are providing the most value.

PPC Reporting

PPC reports show the performance of a company’s pay-per-click advertising campaigns. We track things like cost per click, conversion rate, and return on investment. This information can help owners make decisions about their PPC campaigns and optimize them for better results.

Email Marketing Reporting

Email marketing reports provide data on the performance of a company’s email marketing campaigns. We track things like open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate. This information can help owners understand what is working and what needs to be improved.

Carefully Crafted Custom Reporting

There are many other types of reports that we can create, depending on the needs of our clients. We take the time to understand your specific requirements and craft a report that is tailored to your needs.

Related Services

Reporting can be found in the following service(s):

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